Hiring candidates to be a part of an organization is not an easy task at all. It needs a lot of patience, knowledge, and experience. This is so that the best talent is hired to be a part of the company, and everything goes just right in the future.
But every other hiring does not need a recruiter. Just the employers of the organizations can hire the candidates as well. But there are times when a recruiter is needed, and this is when a company must hire one.
If the employers of an organization do not have enough experience in hiring the best talent, that is when the recruiters come into action. They have the eye to look out for who deserves to be a part of the company, and who has a passion to work.
Every organization has a lot of things going on at the same time. One can hire a recruiter when there is absolutely no time to spare to go through the recruitment process, and when there is an urgency to hire someone at once.
All the employers of an organization are not always experienced. They might have some experience, but they don’t turn out to hire the best talent at one go. There would be a point of time when they would have to hire a recruiter, to make their future recruitments easy.
ref- https://www.human-telligence.com/times-when-you-must-really-hire-a-recruiter/
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